9 Rules of The Crawl
1. Your ticket is required to participate – If you purchased your ticket from a sales associate, you must bring your physical paper ticket to check in. If your physical ticket is not present, you will NOT get in. No photos of the ticket will be accepted under any circumstance. Just like a movie, or a baseball game you need your ticket for admission.
If you purchased your ticket online, simply bring your digital ticket from your email receipt, on your phone, to check in.
2. Dress code strictly enforced – Each venue has their own dress code and they will enforce it. Dress Code is upscale fashionable attire. Not permitted: ratty hats, sandals, dirty or older sneakers, flip-flops, men’s boots (like Timberland™), ripped or baggy clothing, shorts, camouflage, and athletic wear. Collared shirts are required for men. (IMPORTANT)
3. Age 21+ with accepted I.D. – Valid U.S. government issued ID or passports only. No foreign D.L. This is at the venue’s discretion.
4. We are not responsible for last minute Venue, Time & Amenity changes – Although very rarely, through no fault of our own, venues may change as late as last minute. We are not responsible for changes the venues make. We will do everything we can to replace or even improve the night’s event. An updated nightly schedule is found on our website at https://crawlmiami.com. (IMPORTANT)
5. Be on time and stay with the crawl – You must be with the crawl to receive drinks or drink specials, games, food, line fast-pass and no-cover entry. They are time sensitive and can not be made up. Many of these specials and games take place at the first venue.
6. All ticket sales are final – You have purchased a ticket to a closed event, no refunds.
7. Acceptable conduct – Entry and participation is solely at venue’s discretion. You are subject to each venue’s rules and regulations.
8. Our completed waiver is required – You are required to sign a release form upon entry to the event.
9. Don’t bring any drugs on the crawl – The laws from state to state regarding Marijuana are changing, however it is not permitted in any of the venues, and it will get you banned by the venue.